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FSX Scenery--Puerto de Obaldia

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FSX Scenery--Puerto de Obaldia, Panama, the boondocks! FsAdventureSky FSX scenery and flight. FSX is missing many airports in Panama and this is one of them. Puerto de Obaldia is the first port in the border with Colombia by which those crossing the border to Panama must pass. It is only one hour away from it by outboard motor boat. The town is very small, lonely, in a very dangerous area, with very few people and some dogs running around the town square... it is really "out there in the boondocks! But it has three flights a week from the capital city of Panama. The airfield is a dirt strip of around 1875 feet long or so... Welcome. Complete printed route map enclosed so you can set up your flight plan. Weather to this jungle town is usually done with low clouds and slight rain in the dry months. In the wet season, thunderstorms dance all over the sky during the day and night. Have a nice flight. By Gera Godoy Canova.


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