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FSX Acceleration ACV-15 Class Aerial Fleet Carrier

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About This File

FSX Acceleration ACV-15 Class Aerial Fleet Carrier. Tim Conrad's Duroc class Aerial Fleet Carrier, ACV-15, was released as a static scenery a few years back. FSX Acceleration compatable, landable, loads of fun. This author has just figured out how to poke buttons on a freeware BGL converter, and it came out with a model file. So here she is, in all her glory, converted to AI Carriers, a perfect consort for MAB. She is landable, Mr. Conrad put in the cats, but the author never got them to work, even on the static version, though the arresting wires and JBD's work. Nose tubes 1 and 4 are hard deck with cats, Great for a Viper, Hawk, or F/A-39 launch, the midships cross over bay and hangar are hard deck. She has night lighting, loads of eye candy, and the all important Dog Treat locker. She comes with four configurations, cruising speed set at 25 kts, at 5000 feet, 500 feet, surfaced, and ballasted for seaplane recovery and amphibious operations, allowing the largest seaplanes and Air Cushion landing craft to launch and recover smoothly over the stern of the ship. There is also a texture for a sister ship, ACV-12 Spurious, for task group operations. By Mike Barnes.

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