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FS98 Scenery--Taganrog

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FS98 Scenery--Taganrog. Detailed scenery of Taganrog in Russia. Taganrog is located at the Sea of Azov, 40 nm west of Rostov. This scenery includes the whole peninsula with the city of Taganrog and both airports: Tagangor Yuzhny Airport (URRT) with Berive factory and Be-200 amphibious plane base, and Taganrog Tsentralny Airbase (XRRC) home base of the 708th VTAP. Included details: all hangars and buildings, float plane dock, harbor, original static aircraft (over twenty Il-76 in Tsentralny!), all navaids, ATC/ATIS, original signs and more. This scenery was made using satellite images, photos and original flight charts and actual airport information. Made by Andre Lederer, Stephan Scholz and Udo Entenmann, plus a dynamic scenery by Pablo Schultze-Rhonhof.

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