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FSX Mission--Western Cape VFR South Africa Flight 1

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FSX Mission--Western Cape VFR South Africa Flight 1. You are the chief pilot of the South African Air Force Caravan 41 Squadron, based on AFB Swartkops in Pretoria. You have been given the task by the Chief of the Air Force (CAF) to assist in a public relations exercise with the US Navy, who have an aircraft carrier docked just outside Saldanha Bay in the Western Cape, South Africa. The admiral on board with a few high ranking officers are to be entertained during their visit at Naval Base Saldanha. You are cleared to fly to AFB Langebaanweg and plan a VFR flight to show off our beautiful Western Cape countryside. You are cleared to fly at any altitude you feel necessary. After consulting with the local pilots on the base you have planned the following low level route, over two days, which was approved by the CAF. By Robbie Albers.

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