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FS98 Scenery--Al Masanah AB And Adam Int'l

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FS98 Scenery--Al Masanah AB And Adam Int'l. Highly detailed scenery of three airports in the Middle East. This scenery includes the new Al Masanah or Musanah Airbase (40 nm west of Muscat) and the new Adam Int'l Airport (80 nm south west of Muscat). Both in Oman and with 4000 meter long runways. As bonus there are included a total rework of Shabyah Airport (OESB) in eastern Saudi Arabia, with Camp Shabyah, oilfields, refenery and more. All airports with static aircraft, runway signs, navaids, ATIS/ATC and a lot more. This scenery was made using satellite images, photos and world aero data information. Also includes some fixed BGL files for Abu Dhabi 2010 1 and 2. Made by Andre Lederer.

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