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FSX Mission--Crystal Skull Mountain Mystery Part II

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FSX Mission--Crystal Skull Mountain Mystery Part II. This is part ii the final episode--Two years ago Iliana Fragatelli returned to Rome without her father who was lost looking for the cursed Crystal Skull Mountain. She and her pilot did find the last camp where the expedition had sent their last transmission but only two totally stunned members of her father's team were laying on the ground with no recollection of what had happened. Now after two years of very careful study of one of her father's maps she is sure that she will not only find the "Crystal Skull Mountain" but her father too. In this last episode she and her pilot will face the curse of the skull and battle the elements flying high in the Chilean Andes... will she be surprised at what she finds? Will you wonder how you got into this mess? (Recommend you fly Part I CALACA.ZIP in order to understand what's going on in these high Mountains) New adventures in the making... By Gera Godoy Canova.

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