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FSX Scenery--Teterboro Airport

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FSX Scenery--Teterboro Airport (KTEB), NJ. Teterboro Airport is located across the Hudson River in New Jersey, just 12 miles from midtown Manhattan. Teterboro Airport is considered a general aviation reliever airport. As a reliever airport, it does not offer scheduled airline service, nor does it permit operations of any aircraft in excess of 100,000 pounds on any airport surface. Teterboro Airport has five Fixed Base Operators (FBOs), Atlantic Aviation, Jet Aviation, First Aviation, Meridian, and Signature Aviation. Scenery includes Phototexture to cover the unattractive stock FSX airport ground texture. Along with night, fall and winter varience textures. Autogen is placed on top of phototexture in specific areas. All airport objects have been placed in proper position to photoscenery. Aprons and taxiways in alignment with phototexture. Supports AI traffic for the pilots who use. Numerous airport vehicles and stacic aircraft on the grounds. There are a few Gmax scenery objects along with stock FSX objects. If you have cast ground shadows checked in your display feature, some of the vegetation will show black blocks on its base, so uncheck this if you wish. By Eric McCloud.

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