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FSX Panel--Galaxy With Driveable Vehicles

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FSX Panel--Galaxy With Driveable Vehicles. Panel option with five "driveable" vehicles for three totally different versions of the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. Features: Seven cameras provide external views plus some looks inside of the huge cargo deck. A Humveee, a Challenger and a Leopard tank, a US truck and a German tanker truck can be set inside. All vehicles has original sounds and they can be moved out at the bow or at the tail gate ramp. In different ways they can be moved even outside everywhere in all directions. Requirements: C-5 panel from Philippe Wallaert (4C5.ZIP), Galaxy C5A from Mike Stone (SC5A.ZIP) or C5B from Douglas E. Trapp (C5BDET.ZIP) or C5A from Kazunori Ito (C5A9007.ZIP). Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker.

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