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FS2004/FSX Historic Philips Search And Rescue

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FS2004/FSX Historic Philips Search And Rescue. Two historic repaints for the Nemeth Eurocopter As350 Ecureuil of the Philips search and rescue helicopter as is appeared in the early and mid 1990's based in Taupo New Zealand. The Campbell Island rescue repaint is of the helicopter as it appeared on April 24th 1992 when it flew 2000 kilometres from New Zealand to the remote uninhabited Campbell Island to rescue Mike Fraser who had been badly mauled by a great white shark and lost an arm. The other repaint (New Zealand Rail Rescue historic mid 90's paint scheme) is how the same aircraft appeared in the years after the Campbell Island rescue mission through the mid 90's when New Zealand Rail was the main sponsor. By Daniel McCarthy.

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