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FS98 Scenery--Kosmodrom - Baikonur

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FS98 Scenery--Kosmodrom - Baikonur. Highly detailed mega scenery of Baikonur Kosmodrom in Kazahkstan, also called Tyuratam. This area is located 46 degree north / 63 degree east (100 nm east of the Aral lake) and 20 miles around this point. This scenery has a size of more than 1100 square miles. It includes three airports (Yublijeni Aerodome [uAON], Krainiy Airfield [KZ-0067] and Tsernyj Sosna [uATS], an additional / fictional airport), a helicopter base plus six heli pads close to the different launch complexes. It also includes: city of Baikonur (Leninsk) with a couple photoreal monuments, Sayuz-, Woschod-, Buran-, Proton-, Tsyklon-, Nedelin- and Zenit - launch complexes with photoreal textures. All intercontinental balistic missle (ICBM) launch complexes and silos; SAM's, tracking stations, Buran Museum and a lot more things. All complexes are connected by streets. It further includes: all navaids, ATC/ATIS, Syr Darya river, and a bonus: the Kyzyl Orda Airport (UAOO), 110 nm southeast of Baikonur and original airport charts. This scenery is made by using satellite images, photos, original flight charts and actual airport information. Made by Andre Lederer and Pablo Schultze-Rhonhof.

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