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FS2004/FSX SP1 Hughes XF-11/R-11A

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FS2004/FSX SP1 Hughes XF-11/R-11A. Four repaints for the XF-11. This is the whole model package. This is another freeware lost classic, with a very nice VC, nice model, and blistering performance. If you want to blast along at 400+ kts/50,000 feet behind 56 cylinders, 8720 cu. in., and 16 prop blades, this is your machine. Ian Lawrence produced the original model, and Craig Richardson at Classic Wings put the cockpit in it and polished the original textures and FDE. This package adds four 'what if?' textures for the machine, if it had made it into service, as the R-11A/WR-11A, in the '49-54 period. The 'Square I' marking and black anti-searchlight scheme was carried by RB-45C Tornado's operating out of Japan during the Korean war. The other two schemes, comform to markings and color schemes carried by contemporary USAF aeroplanes. The model was an FS2002/FS2004 model, but runs very nicely in FSX SP1, with excellent frame rates, a perfect cockpit, and minor 'clouds in front' prop issues in some aspects (no where near as bad as some others). By Mike Barnes. (See also XH-11TEXTUREFIX.ZIP)

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