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FS2004 Airport Restaurants Scenery Objects

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FS2004 Airport Restaurants Scenery Objects 1.1. Version 1.1 adds thumbnail images and proper installation instructions for users of Sbuilder. If you have installed the previous version of this object library and are not using Sbuilder to place objects in your scenery, you do not need to install version 1.1.


You'll finally have a place to get one of those $150 hamburgers when you arrive at your destination. This is a collection of Gmax restaurant scenery objects for use with FS2004. They are intended for smaller airports that don't have the usual food court inside the terminal building. Some of the restaurants have an aviation theme, some don't. Most of them are also available with the signage removed so you can use them as small terminal buildings or whatever else you want. Also included are some outdoor chairs, tables and table umbrellas, and a variety of vending machines. Should work with just about any payware or freeware program that is able to place scenery library objects in FS2004, including Rwy12, Instant Scenery, EZ-Scenery, Airport Design Editor, etc. By Sidney Schwartz.

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