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FS2004/FSX Supermarine Spitfire Pr XIX

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FS2004/FSX Supermarine Spitfire Pr XIX. The Spitfire Pr XIX was the last Spitfire to be used in operational service. It was the first of the Griffon-engined photo reccoversions to enter large scale production. Based on the Mk XIV airframe and the 2375 hp Rolls Royce Griffon 65 or 66 engine with a Rotol 5 bladed propellor giving it a maximum speed of 723 km/h (452 mph) at 6242m (20,500 feet). It was an unarmed photo recco machine. This is a model of Spitfire PR XIX, PPS888, No. 81 Squadron, as flown in Singapore 1954. Sound file by RB Design. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.

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