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FS2004 Scenery--Napier Regional Airport

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FS2004 Scenery--Napier Regional Airport (NZNR), New Zealand, v2. Welcome to Napier, situated in the Hawkes Bay region of the East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The airport serves the City of Napier and its surrounding towns, and the greater Hawkes Bay area. It is home to the newly constructed Hawkes Bay Air Ambulance Centre, Air Napier Ltd, Flight Care Ltd, Heli-Air Hawkes Bay, Farmers Air, and a number of other aviation related businesses. It is also home to the Napier Aero Club, and the Hawkes Bay Microlight Club. This scenery depicts the airport as it is in September 2009, where the new Air Ambulance Base has just finished construction, and is very detailed, and features many custom buildings and objects. By Lawrie Roache and Godfrey Tier.

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