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FS2004 Scenery--Taupo Floatplane Base

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FS2004 Scenery--Taupo Floatplane Base (NZA1), New Zealand. Welcome to the Taupo Floatplane Base, on the shores of New Zealand's largest lake, in the Central North Island. Lake Taupo and the surrounding area is a beautiful treasure trove for tourists, and is very popular for fishing. The floatplane base is located just north-west of NZAP Taupo Airport. After install of the scenery, you will find the floatplane base in the Airport selection list as NZA1, and also included in the scenery is a landable helipad (TAU2 in the selection list), and also Kinloch Marina on the other side of the lake (TAU3 in the selection list). By Lawrie Roache and Godfrey Tier.

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