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FS2004 Scenery--Nursery Corner Farm

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FS2004 Scenery--Nursery Corner Farm near Ottawa, Canada. Nursery Corner is a tree nursery around 12 miles southwest of Rideau Valley Airpark CPL3 (which did not appear in FS2004 but is downloadable (RIDEAUVL.ZIP) and 6 miles south of Hicks Farm (HICKSFRM.ZIP). Fly west from CPL3 along the river and Hicks Farm will be on the south side; fly south from Hicks parallel to the roads, cross a small river (if you have Ultimate Terrain!) and in an area which has place names like Hutchins Corners and Pattersons Corners will be the farm field with two grass runways at right angles among the nursery rows of trees. The runways are 36/18 1700 feet and 27/09 2000 feet. The single T hangar houses what looked like a Citabria. By Roger Wensley.

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