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FSX US Navy North American P-51D

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About This File

FSX US Navy North American P-51D Mustang (fictional). This repaint is for the payware A2A P-51 FSX update only and is a fictional depiction of the P-51D as a carrier-borne fighter in a post-war naval livery. It is entirely fictional; while the U. S. Navy experimented with the Mustang in carrier trials on board the USS 'Shangri La' in 1944, the type was considered unsuitable without major modification. The project was abandoned when the capture of Iwo Jima put 20th Air Force Mustangs within range of the Japanese homeland, thus eliminating the need for a carrier-borne long-range escort fighter. This repaint is based on the WWII Fighters paint kits by John Terrell and A2A. By Dave Quincey.

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