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FSX 1936 Stearman Hammond Y-1s

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FSX 1936 Stearman Hammond Y-1s by Rarewings.com: Designed with FSDS3.5.1 and FSDSTweak. It has full working virtual cockpit with back-lite gauges. Limited 2D panel, custom sounds. The plane has reflective glass and metal textures. This install package comes with three paint textures. Model Y designed by Dean B. Hammond for Bureau of Air Commerce safe airplane competition in 1934. Declared winner of contest in Nov, and Bureau contracted to purchase 25 aircraft at $3,190 each. Original design goal was for an airplane cost of $700--they cost $7150 later! First airplane not acceptable to the Bureau, and Lloyd Stearman was asked to re-engineer plane to improve performance and general workmanship. Resulting aircraft, Model Y, delivered April 1936. By Patrick Dyer.
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