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FS2004 Scenery--Shade Tree Airport

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FS2004 Scenery--Shade Tree Airport. Shade Trees runway is 2400 feet long with a 1000 foot overrun north of the runway. Although the overrun can be used for takeoff it is not to be used for landing except for an overrun to stop on when landing from the south on runway 35. When landing from the north attempt to touch down at the second set of markers on runway 17 (where the yellow arrow is pointing). During wet weather the area between the first and second set of markers tends to get a bit soft. Once you have landed you should taxi back and exit the runway mid-field (as illustrated by the blue arrow). There is also a taxiway on the north end (across from the yellow arrow) that can be used to exit the runway by high wing aircraft such as a C-172 but larger aircraft or aircraft with wide landing gear might find it a bit tight. When you are ready to leave, enter the runway mid-field as there the runway has a slight crest. Entering the runway from either end should be avoided as the crest is high enough to obscure the opposite end and any aircraft that may be waiting to take-off. By Nate Barkum.

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