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FSX P-51D 'Dizzy Rebel' 20th Fighter Group

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About This File

FSX P-51D 'Dizzy Rebel' 20th Fighter Group. This is a repaint of the payware A2A North American P-51 Mustang for FSX using hi-resolution 2048 x 2048 .dds texture files. You must have the A2A FSX update installed. This P-51D flew with the 77th FS of the 20th FG initially from Kingscliffe in Northamptonshire. At first allocated to Lt Harold Gjolme and called 'Duration+6', it was then taken over by Capt. James Herbert as 'Paper Doll' before finally being allocated to Lt King. It crashed on landing in August 1945 in Belgium killing the pilot Lt David Baldock. By Dave Quincey/A2A/John Terrell.

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