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FSX RAF Mustang IVA KH825 No. 303 Sqdn

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About This File

FSX RAF Mustang IVA KH825 No. 303 Sqdn. This is a repaint of the payware A2A North American P-51 Mustang for FSX using hi-resolution 2048 x 2048 .dds texture files. You must have the A2A FSX update installed. Built in Dallas as P-51K-5-NT 44-11733, KH825 served its two-year career with No. 303 (Polish) Squadron. Taken on charge in April 1945, it saw little action and spent most of its life in Germany as part of the occupation force. Eventually it arrived back at RAF Coltishall before being struck off charge and scrapped when No. 303 Sqdn was disbanded in December 1946. By Dave Quincey/A2A/John Terrell.

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