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FSX RO-41 Early Military Trainer

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FSX RO-41 Early Military Trainer. The I.M.A.M, Romeo RO-41 was a Royal Italian Air Force single and dual seater military trainer in service from 1934 to early 40's. The RO-41 was similar to the Boeing Stearman. The throttle movement was opposite (throttle back = full thrust). The propeller rotates opposite as usual nowadays. It is modeled here as the spoked wheel single seater version used in Capua flying school, said to be much more manuevrable than the dual seater. This model features reflective skin and full animations. The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found on the net and some old black and white photos from the historical archive. Some gauges are default gauges, the others have been created by the authors. Included in this model there is also a simple virtual cockpit, with working essential flight instruments and animated flight controls. By Giovanni Quai and Italo D'Attomo.

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