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FS2004 Sky Express BAe J-41 Jetstream

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FS2004 Sky Express BAe J-41 Jetstream. Sky Express is a regional charter airline based in Heraklion Crete and operates a BAe Jetsream J-41. The Jetstream 41 is a high-performance, pressurized-cabin, two 11230 kW (1650 shp) TPE33114s turboprops driving five blade constant speed McCauley propellers on initial production aircraft. Sky Express operates charter flights connecting Crete with the Aegean islands of Rhodes, Mykonos, Mytilini, Santorini and other attractive destinations. Other services include: air-taxi, emergency medical service, excursions, sight-seeing and cargo flights. Textures only in 'Sky Express' livery for payware Precisionaerobus (PAOB) Jetstream J41 Version 2. Repaint by Manuele Villa.

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