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FSX Mission--Operation "Wherewolf 1942"

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FSX Mission--Operation "Wherewolf 1942". Captain Swanzy Clickaram Buckter, top Navy submarine destroyer pilot, has been ordered to take a B-24 from Quantico Naval base and check the shipping lane between the coast of eastern USA and Bermuda. Two ships, the USS Marin, a coastal patrol destroyer and the Norwegian freighter, Sunnycoast, were sunk two days ago. It was reported, by coastal observers in Bermuda, that at least two Nazi submarines of the SDR type have been seen near these coasts. Captain Clickaram has gathered a special crew, you among them, to carry out the "search and destroy operation". Flying a B-24 and US Navy blimp...a hard operation is on its way! By Gera Godoy C.

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