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FSX Lockheed L049A Constellation

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FSX Lockheed L049A Constellation v1.1. All reported problems have been fixed and modified to "true" FSX compatibility. The Lockheed L-049 Constellation was one of the most graceful airliners placed in service between the end of World War II in 1945 and the advent of the commercial jet age in the mid-1950s. With its long, sinuous fuselage and gently tapered, upswept wings, the sleek Constellation suggested a seagull in flight. Another distinctive feature of the Constellation was its triple rudder assembly. This package includes the complete aircraft with everything you need to start flying. A 2D panel (no cockpit views) and sounds are included. There is no VC (virtual cockpit). Liveries include Air France, BOAC, Braniff, Capitol, Delta Airlines, KLM, L' Air Azur, Pan American Airways, Quantis Empire. By Wayne Tudor, Dale DeLuca, Sofia Campos, Juan Velilla Morton, Joao Paz, John Howard White, Paul Strogen and Brian C. Selb. (See also CONFSXFX.ZIP)

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