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CFS Hawker Hunter FGA9

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CFS Hawker Hunter FGA9. On 5th April 1968, due to the lack of proper celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Royal Air Force, Flt Lt A Pollock of No1 sqn took matters into his own hands. He flew to various airfields and either bombed them with toilet rolls or flew inverted at 200 feet or less over them. His piece de resistance though was to fly his Hawker Hunter FGA9 (XF442) between the top span and the road span of Tower Bridge in London. He was, of course, thrown out of the RAF. It wasn't until 1982 that his case was finally heard and he was exonerated. Ironically, the Hunter involved was written off in an accident during 1982 in the service of the Chilean Air force. This is Mike Hill's Hawker Hunter, repainted to Flt Lt Alan Pollock's FGA9 whilst with No1 squadron. The panel belongs to Phil Perrott and comes with all the necessary restrictions. The DP file is by Les Stone and also has the same restrictions attached. By Les Stone.

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