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Aviation Puzzle #1


Aviation Puzzle #1

By Ray Andersen



This puzzle I saw in a magazine regarding other subjects and though it might be interesting to do an aviation version.


The goal is to find the "Answer" to the puzzle which is the key word in the purple column.


This is done by answering the questions in the first column which is then submitted into the corresponding rows (green cells). One letter in each green cell. Here is an example with the answers filled in:






For this first puzzle the questions written is only aircraft manufacturer and designation and the answer is the nickname - please note that some aircraft can have more than one nickname, so you of course need to submit the correct one for this puzzle.


You don't necessarily need to be able to answer all questions to find the "Answer", the goal is simply just to get the answer, and if you can guess it by only answering a few of the questions, that will still be accepted as "OK".


For future puzzles the questions don't necessarily need to be regarding nicknames, but it could also be manufacturers, designations, etc.


If you like the puzzle and have an idea that you would like to contribute with, please send me a mail.


If you have something to add, please do but this I think would cover the basics. I think it's important that if people have ideas for questions etc, that they can send them to me just like the pictures in the recognition quiz.


Here is puzzle #1:






Ray Andersen

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