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question about aircraft weights and what to do about it?


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Hello I downloaded the freeware emb120 for fsx and have a question about weights. This aircraft is great to fly but holds only 4 passengers and a quick look at the aircraftspecs in real life reveals that they deliver the plane in 30 24 or 26 seat configuration. Well time for me to do some experimenting then, after all I shoe-horned the carenado duke turbine cockpit in this model and made a new cameraview in the aircraft.cfg (all the first time though) so to add a few seats wouldn't be much of a problem. Boy was I wrong ! Placing the seats was no problem I can add 42 extra weightstations in this cfg it was a bit tricky balancing them out but that was also manageable I could load out the crew and 24 passengers without changing the COG much of the airplane. But when loaded with passengers my aircraft was at its max gross weight, so back to work again because I can't expect those guys to paddle the whole flight I need to add some fuel. Aha I found the weights and performance values in the aircraft.cfg and they displayed only 60% of the real world weights of the aircraft so correct that to the real performance figures . I tried to fly the aircraft after that and it handled like a brick, I came of the ground with a climb-rate of 100 fpm. Whatever I tried I couldn't make that aircraft perform as in real life, even empty it flew like John Candy in Cool Runnings (there is only one way to go" down"). so I changed all the figures back to where they were and fly with 4 passengers and 20 hamsters. Is there somebody that can help me get this airplane up to specs ? I sure would like to haul more people around and if possible also some luggage.


the model is eagle rotorcraft fsx version of Erick Cantu's emb120 Brasilia.

Still is a great aircraft though specialy with that Duke turbine cockpit.

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When you added all the passenger lines to the weight-n-balance section, did you take into account the weights of the original 4 entries?

Did you realize what the fuel load weighs?

Could the real plane carry full passengers and fuel?

After adding all those passengers, did you check to see what the weight of all of them was? Was it greater than the Max weight of the aircraft in the aircraft.cfg file? The "max_gross_weight = 4400" line?

Did you perhaps need to adjust the "empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 2548" and the other MOI lines? As you add entries to the Station_Load n= lines the MOIs change. Same with the amount of fuel. It affects the planes CG and moments of inertia...

Just tossing ideas out as they pass briefly through my little skull...



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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