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Engine Start-up Smoke


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I am having a problem with the engine start-up smoke on ALL aircraft in FSX.


No matter which aircraft I use, the engine will smoke excessively on startup for about 15 seconds or so. It is a long, dark smoke trail that heads straight rearward (I'll post screenshots when I'm back near my sim). No engine performance issues. Just annoying smoke.


A thought I had is that I recently installed some classic airliners (DC-6, Connie, Electra). There's a chance that one of them had an effect file that replaced the default smoke with this new, 1960's radial engine smoke. I simply can't remember. The only method I had up my sleeve was to Reinstall/repair FSX and Acceleration. That didn't help. I'm a pilot...not a genius....


How can I get the old default startup smoke back? I believe the issue file is fx_engstrt.fx, but I'm not positive.



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