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Eyepoint setting problem


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I recently saw references to the HD ORBX version of the Grumman Goose and decided to check it out. Rather than pop up windows to conveniently display gauges and controls I prefer cameras with as little displacement as possible from the pilot's position to provide the same information. Cameras within the VC are all referenced to the eyepoint in the Views section of the aircraft.cfg so this must be set prior to creating new cameras. By looking straight down in the VC I noticed that the eyepoint was approximately set 1 1/2 feet back from what seemed appropriate. I edited the eyepoint value and didn't see any change when the aircraft was reloaded. After a considerable amount of checking and head scratching I discovered that by setting the eyepoint in the default Goose the ORBX Goose eyepoint changed.

Two different folders, no common titles and no GUID associated with the aircraft proper. Anyone else ever see anything similar? I tried a lot of things and am not looking for suggestions for things to try but hard answers. I would appreciate hearing from anyone with both versions of the Goose installed, as to whether they have the same problem or not.

The HD VC textures of the ORBX Goose are clearer but they also convey a rather sterile view compared to the default. The opposite tailwheel lock lettering has been corrected but the fuel control animation in the VC is still inoperative. All in all I prefer the default but it's close to being a wash.

Jim F.

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Sounds like an alias to the aircraft.cfg file. You might be able to solve this be making a copy of the aircraft.cfg file in the location where your eyepoint changed properly and moving that copy to the add-on in question. You might have to make other alias changes to the moved file. When you get this done correctly, you will be able to make eyepoint changes independently for the two aircraft.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Hi pv,

I'm not sure about what part of "I tried a lot of things and am not looking for suggestions for things to try but hard answers" I didn't make clear but I don't know how to clarify this further. If you've tried what you suggested please be a bit more specific.

Jim F.

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Your response to my suggestion is very confusing.


Since we cannot see your computer or operate it are completely dependent on assisting you through give and take, a single one stop solution is not likely.


If I took control of your computer, I might click on a dozen screens, inspect many lines of text, compare files against one another, make a change to something to see if I was right. The idea that I or someone else might be clairvoyant and and see the world through your eyes and be 100% right on our first guess is not realistic especially since you have a problem not commonly encountered.


Please keep in mind that to a tech support guy, a "Suggestion" and an "Answer" is the same thing. A sure thing bulls eye solution on the first try... well that is almost God like.


Obviously you need someone more helpful and talented than I.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I still don't know how to clarify that I'm not looking for suggestions any further. I went on to specify that I was looking for someone who had installed both versions of the Goose and was hoping to hear their experiences. And if anyone had experienced this unusual interaction with another aircraft, hearing of that might offer a further clue as to the cause.

Jim F.

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If an eyepoint is not where you want it in a particular aircraft, just set it to where you want it with the eyepoint keys, that's what they're for..:)



(Hold keys down to slide your eyeballs)

SHIFT Enter= Up

SHIFT Backspace=Down





CTRL Backspace= Forward

CTRL Enter= Back


Hold CTRL and hit SPACE= Reset






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There are 25 results for "goose" in the OZx downloads section, I can't speak for everyone else but I'm personally not interested in a "goose chase". As someone who's been around here as long as you have you should know better than to omit the filename or a link to the file in question. What is the exact file you're having problems with?
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"If an eyepoint is not where you want it in a particular aircraft, just set it to where you want it with the eyepoint keys, that's what they're for.."


That's what the OP already did by changing the CFG eyepoint whcih has the advantage he doesn't have to "fix" it every time he starts the plane and ended up changing another aircraft that he didn't want changed and wanted to solve that. This is why I "suggested" and not "hard answered" that his problem might be an alias and to copy and move the file he changed to the plane he really wants to affect, but the OP wants a better answer than that. Your seat viewpoint keys might be what he's looking for.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Hey Jim,

I guess I'm just getting lazy. I use Chrome and generally highlight anything that interests me and then right-click it and select Google search. Much faster than looking up the exact address of a file I downloaded 4 years ago.

Anyway here's the link to the download page:


I didn't expect anyone to exhibit enough interest to download it anew.

And, frankly, you're coming across as a bit nasty. Is everything okay? I hope so; I've heard several references to people getting in a bad mood this time of year and after reading posts in various forums this seems to be the case.


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That download is intended to overwrite the default goose folder, by not doing so you still have 7 variations of the goose that bear the same ui_manufacturer=, ui_type=, and ui_variation= lines in spite of the fact that you eliminated any common titles. Further all the texture.cfgs in the "HP" version point to texture folders that don't exist in the default grumman goose folder. My guess is while you thought you had the OZx goose loaded and you thought you were actually editing the eyepoint of the OZx goose you in fact had the default goose loaded all along, hence why editing the eyepoint in the default aircraft.cfg had an effect on what you thought was the OZx goose in the sim.


Here's what I did:


1. Make a temporary folder somewhere, inside that make a SimObjects\Airplanes folder and copy the default goose into that folder (because you'll need all the texture.1, texture.2, etc. folders in order for all the variations to show up)


2. Run the OZx installer but direct it to the temporary folder rather than let it fire into the Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder.


3. Rename the "temp\SimObjects\Airplanes\Grumman_Goose_G21A" folder OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A


4. Rename the "temp\SimObjects\Airplanes\Grumman_Goose_G21A_HP" folder OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A_HP


5. Open the OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A\aircraft.cfg and replace every occurrence of title= with title=OZx_ (there should be 12, the result will be "title=OZx_Grumman Goose G21A paint2" for example). Replace every occurrence of ui_manufacturer="Grumman" with ui_manufacturer="OZx_Grumman"


6. Open the OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A_HP\aircraft.cfg and replace every occurrence of title= with title=OZx_ (there should be 6). Replace every occurrence of ui_manufacturer="Grumman" with ui_manufacturer="OZx_Grumman"


7. Open each texture.cfg found in an OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A_HP/texture.* folder (6 in total) and replace:



fallback.2=..\..\Grumman_Goose_G21A\texture.N121GL (texture.N121GL, texture.N130FB, texture.N48550, etc.)









8. Move the "temp\SimObjects\Airplanes\OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A" folder into "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes"


9. Move the "temp\SimObjects\Airplanes\OZxGrumman_Goose_G21A_HP" folder into "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes"


10. Move the "temp\Effects" folder into "Microsoft Flight Simulator X"


Start the sim and verify that you have 7 variations listed under manufacturer: Grumman (those are the default) and 18 variations listed under manufacturer: OZx_Grumman for a total of 25.

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