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Newcomer question re: scenery


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Hello all,


I've just bought my dad FS2004 as a Christmas present and noticed there are scenery / terrain packs available. I'm looking for a UK scenery / terrain that will give all the proper roads and buildings (like football stadiums etc). I'm assuming the default scenery isn't like Google Maps but please correct me if I'm wrong!


Can someone please point me in the right direction?





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  • 3 weeks later...

The simplest way to explain the scenery is that there are major roads which are fairly accurate in my opinion. Around those roads will be autogenerated scenery such as smaller roads, buildings, trees, etc. These autogen sceneries do NOT reflect the real world placement of those objects but using something called a "landclass" will place certain types of scenery objects in certain areas such as industrial buildings in industrial areas and houses in residential areas though not necessarily in the right spot.


If you want Google Maps satelite type imagery, you will want photoscenery which takes satellite imagery aka orthophotos and puts them on the terrain. There is something called TileProxy which can help you get photoscenery. However, the cost of this is no autogen meaning no trees or 3D buildings. You will, however, have accurate imagery if that's your thing.


Correct me if I'm wrong.


Additionally, I highly suggest you get your dad FSX instead due to the significant improvements over FS2004 as well as a more active addon community.

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