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Aime Leclercq's TEP in FS9


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I did the same some time back before his TEP package for FS9 using his FSX/P3D textures. Some were some big texture sizes like 4096. Reduced down to FS9 size they still looked great.


Thought I'd try with his latest. TEP 1.6. This is only a small sampling as I'm still experimenting as to what works where. And being there's a lot less textures for the terrain in FS9 compared to the other sims it has some challenges. And also land class issues. What works good here is bad there etc etc. And of course its not all exactly or maybe even remotely close to the real world, but I like his plains, deserts, marsh, forests, tundra and savannah textures for variety.

Also there are a few textures here in there no from his package. Still working on replacing those to see how it looks.


*edit : my copy and pasting skills not so good.I posted one twice.


Link to his blog where you can see them in the other sims : https://aleclercqcreations.blogspot.com/p/terra-emergence-project.html












Edited by JSMR
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Must admit they do look great, I am using ORBX converted textures, I found a YouTube video where someone used them and they posted a download link, bit of a faff installing though.




If its the one I'm thinking of, that was using Aime's older textures he converted for FS9. Some of those I like, some I dont. Same with this and the 'O' textures. I usually like a combo of 2-3 mixed. His latest TEP package is pretty comprehensive, but it takes a bit of work to pick out the 'right' textures and re-number them at times for FS9. Which I kinda enjoy. Gives me an excuse to get away from the annoying kids.


I'll throw a couple more up if Nels doesn't mind since its not the screen shot forum.













DISCLAMER : I don't have any kids.

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Going back a few years in my ignorance I bought all of the UK, Ireland and Netherlands VFR scenery.

I didn't know then it only looks OK from in the air and terrible when on the or near the ground, I also downloaded some scenery that was nice on the ground but all the airports didn't marry up to the default afcads, the ai aircraft were parked in buildings and taxiid across the grass and through buildings, I forget which it was now but it was a known name.


I hate seeing scenery where the tiles just multiply/repeat in a pattern, from in the air it looks like a carpet.


Talking of AFCADS there was a guy years ago made lots of new AFCADS for the default airports that had no or very little parking, but he never did any flaterns for them, he must have just used the AFCAD program because there were trees everywhere, they were terrible.



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going back a few years in my ignorance i bought all of the uk, ireland and netherlands vfr scenery.

I didn't know then it only looks ok from in the air and terrible when on the or near the ground, i also downloaded some scenery that was nice on the ground but all the airports didn't marry up to the default afcads, the ai aircraft were parked in buildings and taxiid across the grass and through buildings, i forget which it was now but it was a known name.


I hate seeing scenery where the tiles just multiply/repeat in a pattern, from in the air it looks like a carpet.


Talking of afcads there was a guy years ago made lots of new afcads for the default airports that had no or very little parking, but he never did any flaterns for them, he must have just used the afcad program because there were trees everywhere, they were terrible.





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