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A simple tutorial on how to navigate visually on X-Plane 11.


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Hi All,


I’ve made an X-Plane tutorial video navigation using a simplified method that hopefully you‘ll enjoy, and maybe learn something fun and new for the holidays.


It includes a simple navigation technique using Orbx GB south, and review of Southhampton airport using a Cessna C152.


Please do comment and let me know if it helps! : )


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Looks good. Didn't view it all, as I don't have charts. Plus I do not have that addon aircraft of X-Plane.


Did view the whole explanation at the start.


It's a bit fast. Not the explanation as such, but the speed of the tape. It looks like or the tape was sped up in editing. Makes it hard to follow.

I would prefer if you took a breath at times, to give me (the listener) time to let something sink in and fit image to words.


Something I didn't get was the distance (16) devided by 2 (8) then again by 2 (gives 4) and then "simply" add 4 plus 8 gives 12 minutes travel time.

(I can see you basically did 16 times 3/4) but I don't see yet why that would give travel time. Time would depend on speed, which you did not mention there. Yes, some ways earlier you very briefly mentioned that speed would be between 70 and 90 knots, however, getting from there to the 3/4 Is a big step. One I could maybe figure out if I spent a few days staring at it.

Some more explanation at that point in the video would help I think.

First: reasoning behind 3/4

Then: the simple trick to calculate 3/4 times 16)

(Maybe you explained all that in an earlier video that I haven't seen. Or in an earler bit in this video that I completely missed. But though it worth mentioning.)


Things like a ruler with scale function, that you then don't use further, I would leave out.

Leave that for a video in which you explain about the ruler.

Either explain it, or leave it out so as not to confuse things.

You could for example say: it's 4 inches on the map, and the scale at the bottom tells us one inch is 4 miles. That mean the total distance is 4 time 4 miles, is 16 miles.


A suggestion for the compass rose. You could mention that east is at a right angle to north (90 degrees). Maybe draw the little "right angle sign" where the North arrow and East arrow meet.

( look slike this: ⦜




Good voice and clear handwriting. Easy to see/hear what you were doing.

I liked the clock trick. (headings). Didn't know that.

I had some experience hiking with map before I started with fsx, so knew the compass rose before I started. But neat trick. Good to know. And will definitely help people.


By the way, what watch is that. I really like the look of it. Love the minutes inside the hour ring. Makes it an easy to read watch. Light up hands and numbers also very clear.

Can you name brand and type? Might be interested in getting one.


Well, good guide. Well done. Enjoyed it.

I'll try watching it again later if I find the time.

I should have really watched the flight you did as well, as you probably explained much more in there. I only really viewed the flight planning part.

Happy Flights, (and hollidays!!):cool:


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