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Cessna 310 comparison


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Hi all - don't know if there is anyone out there who can help, but I was thinking of buying a Cessna 310.

The Milviz simulation has been out for a while and seems to get good reviews, but does anyone have any knowledge of the newer Alabeo one?

Any insight would be appreciated.


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  • 7 months later...
With the exception of the Real Air Duke(s) and occasionally the Milviz 310R, my hangar is full of Alabeo/Carenado aircraft. Eye candy is a tolerable trade off for a few mislabeled switches and less than absolute real aircraft flight dynamics. Alenado 310R with milvix sounds and a few Bert Pieke and self tweaks gets the most hours. The Flyawaysim and flight1 planes stay on the ramp. It's great to have choices. "One man's treasure........"
You can never have enough altitude and fuel ...unless your on fire
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