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FSX Loading screen error.


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So... I've been going trough alot of googling at this problem, cant find one fix.

My FSX loads fine, I go select aircraft, put in where I am starting and so. Then I press "Free Flight". After that, the screen just goes blank. I seem to get some error when I put it in small screen, and I cant get it to not start in full screen so I have to alt tab out of it. Its just dark.(FSX Steam) Any fixes to this? I litteraly just got my PMDG 737 so I am kinda sad about this :/

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First rule of troubleshooting: Consider the last time things worked.


Did you just load something (IE: The PMDG 7370?) If so, remove it and test again.


Did the problem go away? If so, reload or check for loading problems. If not, try to find a specific error. Submit that error to those on this board who are sharp enough to help.


99% of the time I discover it was my mistake whole loading, changing, or adjusting the last thing I fooled with before the problem. Nowadays I try to always remember to BACKUP WHAT IS WORKING BEFORE I ATTEMPT ANY "IMPROVEMENTS!"

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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this can have any number of reasons.


First: get it out of fullscreen mode when starting up:

- Find your FSX.CFG (on Win7 it is in C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX

- Open the FSX.CFG with notepad

- Find the [Main] section

- In there, change "Maximized=1" to "Maximized=0"

- Save it and close notepad

- Now the sim will start in windowed mode when you click "Fly now".


Second: find out what kind of error you are getting. Post the error message here, if you get one. And check your windows event logs for error messages too.


Third: try to recall what you did since FSX was last working. Not only installed addons, but driver updates etc. too. Especially GPU drivers.


Fourth: What system are you running FSX on, what CPU&GPU do you have in there?

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