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Colors in Sketchup models


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I downloaded a terminal from Google Warehouse. The scenery I downloaded has seven textures, three materials and four colors.

When I export the model from Sketchuo to a collida file, I get also the directory with textures, but only containing the three materials.

I recreated the colors and added as jpg files to the texture directory but when in Model converter I try to get the dds files, I got the dds files only for the materials and I got a bgl file for the terminal missing colors. I tried to find in tutorials how treat the colors, but I was not able to find anything.

Where I can find a tutorial on this subjet?

Thanks. giorda35

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There are no .bmp's for colors. Open the collada file in ModelConverter, click on the Materials Editor then click on the color. There will be a small arrow at the end of the line. Click on that and a window will open with a rainbow of colors to choose from. Also at the top of that window is a box labeled "Web". Click on that for more colors. Once you have chosen a color it will appear on the object. When you find a color that you like export the collada file and it will have the color you've chosen. Hope this helps.


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