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Land where water should be.Updated KEGE, KTVL today - Wrangle now all Land...<jeesh>!


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I updated some Orbx scenery today. Not sure it matters, but now I can't see any water insouthern Alaska. As example Wrangle (68A) has all grass where the water should be. What do I do again to fix this??



Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.6 GHz 8GB

nVidia GTX 1070 8GB Ram

Ram 20 DDR-3-1600MHz

WIN 10 Pro(64bit)

HP Envy 27" HD 4K

P3D v4.5.14.34698

Multiple ORBX Scenery

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If you are using Ultimate Terrain at all, use the setup control panel for it to disable it, then enable it. That usually fixes it. If you don't have any ultimate terrain, then I don't know what the problem could be.

Intel I7 3770K, ASRock Z77 Extreme4 mb, 16gb Corsair Vengeance, Nvidia GTX970, Realtek surround sound, 5TB WD Black SATA Drive



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Tried both, no luck. I don't use UT, just Orbx FTX scenery. Also have Tongas Fjords and Return to Misty Moorings.

Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.6 GHz 8GB

nVidia GTX 1070 8GB Ram

Ram 20 DDR-3-1600MHz

WIN 10 Pro(64bit)

HP Envy 27" HD 4K

P3D v4.5.14.34698

Multiple ORBX Scenery

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