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FSX Mini Panel won't dispaly

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Alright, so normally when you press the "W" key, while in the 2D panel, it reduces the panel into the mini panel, which I have always used for my landings, but somehow in the past few days something happened and now when I press "w", the I just get a smaller popup version of the PFD. http://i.imgur.com/0qX23M2.jpg

I tried changing the command key and it does the same thing. Anyone know how to resolve this?

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Have you modified your 737-800 with the Alejandro Rojas upgrade or flying one with his upgraded cockpit? Mine do that same thing. Try a default aircraft like the Baron58 or 172 and see if the mini panel is correct.


If you look in your panel.cfg you will notice that [window09] is ident=minipanel and what it shows is the PFD.


Now I wonder if I'm hallucinating and the 737 never really had a minipanel! I'm testing to see if I can make one.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Disregard my blatherings below! I think the 737 never really had that feature and I don't know why! I used [window09] in the panel.cfg and created a working minipanel using the W key in the 2D panel.











gauge00=B737_800!pfd, 15,15,200,200

gauge01=B737_800!mfd, 280,15,200,200

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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It's happening on more than one aircraft, and more than just the default 737 panel, which I use for a few different planes... It does it on my QW757 as well. I just added FsPassengers to fsx as well, so maybe something with FsPassengers would be causing it to act up like that?

And I think the default 737 has always had a mini panel, but don't quote me on that, lol.

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It's happening on more than one aircraft, and more than just the default 737 panel, which I use for a few different planes... It does it on my QW757 as well. I just added FsPassengers to fsx as well, so maybe something with FsPassengers would be causing it to act up like that?

And I think the default 737 has always had a mini panel, but don't quote me on that, lol.


Nothing I can do for you with the QW757. The default 737-800 lists only the PFD for the minipanel.


OK, I think I'll go take a long walk off a short pier! The default 737-800(With no modifications) works as advertised with hitting W and the PDF shows as the only instrument in the empty window. My modified Default 737-800 and POSKY 737-800

that I tested yesterday and showed as your screenshot, are now working fine also. I did delete my modification I made and put the original [window09] back in.


Don't know what glitch caused the same problem for both of us??

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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