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Display/Hide ATC Window


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It may seem stupid of mine, but...

Most of the Original Microsoft aircraft in FS9 have on the dashboard a knob for switching from within the cockpit between Display and Hide the ATC Window.

But how can I switch between Display/Hide that ATC window when I am in an aircraft where that knob is not available?

Jive1 - Belgium

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Right, mister zippy

The Scroll Lock key is the right one!

Thank you for that good idea!

However... When I use the numbers as usual, there is no sound. I can only see the characters, the sentences in the ATC window, but I cannot hear any sound.


Jive1 - Belgium

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Right, mister zippy

The Scroll Lock key is the right one!

Thank you for that good idea!

However... When I use the numbers as usual, there is no sound. I can only see the characters, the sentences in the ATC window, but I cannot hear any sound.


Jive1 - Belgium


Are all of the other sounds correct, like engine sounds, gear, flaps, etc? Have you checked that your Settings/Sound are correct, I think there are a couple of drop-downs that need to be set correctly to hear ATC as well as the other sounds.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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All the other sounds are correct, even the ATC sounds when in a Original MS aircraft with Display/Hide knob. Engine sounds as well, even also the weather ( rain/wind ).

I'm talkiong about a Carenado C172. Should be all right hé?

Jive1 - Belgium

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All the other sounds are correct, even the ATC sounds when in a Original MS aircraft with Display/Hide knob. Engine sounds as well, even also the weather ( rain/wind ).

I'm talkiong about a Carenado C172. Should be all right hé?

Jive1 - Belgium


If the Carenado 172 is for FS2004 then it should be correct. It may be a good idea to contact them about the ATC issue.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Indeed, it's a C172 for FS2004.

So, I will try to get some more information from the unofficial Carenado Forum, because as I think, Carenado themselves do no longer support this aircraft.....


Jive1 - Belgium

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Good morning!

I can even tell more...

When I am in the cockpit of the FS9 Carenado C172N, and I have the ATC window open, I cannot hear when I ask/say something to ATC, nor can I hear their reply, whereas I do see the texts that are spoken in the ATC window.

But!... I can hear both ATC and the voice of the pilot of another aircraft when they communicate, and also I can see the texts in the ATC window.

Could it be that this is an error, or is it one or another settings that could be wrong?


Jive1 - Belgium

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