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This a Question about filming a FSX Video


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My question is. how do I get rid of these pop-ups stating the camera angle and zoom ,( top right ) and the other pop-up stating the recorder is on either recording or playing back ( bottom right ) before I start recording with fraps?




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The one in the upper right is a timed message if you wait for 45 seconds it will turn off, there is a way to turn off message such as brakes but the camera views I have had no luck with. The one on the bottom right is controled though the settings in FSRecorder under setting un-tick show playback and record.


See this thread: Parking Brake Message Removal https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?155695-Parking-Brake-Mesage-Removal&highlight=brake+message




See sample video below with messages removed...






"Remember, All you have to do is ask."


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My question is. how do I get rid of these pop-ups stating the camera angle and zoom ,( top right ) and the other pop-up stating the recorder is on either recording or playing back ( bottom right ) before I start recording with fraps?


In a video editor that I had several years ago but no longer have, (I can't remember the name of it), I was able to crop the entire video all at once. So, I picked a frame showing the camera angle/zoom message, which is the most vertically intrusive of all the popup messages, drew a selection rectangle just inside the edges of the frame such that all messages were outside of it, adjusted it to retain the aspect ratio, hit Crop and Apply to All Frames. The beauty of this is that you don't have to disable anything in FSX- just remove the messages in post-processing.


After reading your post here, I searched the video editor I'm using now, Windows Movie Maker, and I don't see any way to crop frames with that software. Sorry I can't remember the name of the software I was using, but it went the way of the Dodo Bird several HDD crashes and Windows installations ago. All I remember about it is that I got it when I was running XP, probably 5+ years ago, and it was freeware.

i7-10700K @3.8-5.1GHz, 32GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM, GTR-2060 Super 8GB, 2x SSDs
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