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Aircraft parking


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I need a reminder on how to get ATC to send me to a gate asisigned to my airline,be it Delta, United or any other.I have used ADE to assign gates to specific airlines and have ,as far as I know, put the correct parking codes in the different aircraft config. file. Katl will send me to ga parking every titme. I tried with 2 different aircraft with Delta livery.
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The code will chose the next available space if the specified parking spaces are used by other planes and will chose based on atc_parking_types RAMP, CARGO, GATE, DOCK, MIL_CARGO, MIL_COMBAT. Ramp is usually the GA spots so that makes sense that's what you're getting most of the time.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I never give Ground Control any choice in where I want to park! I will list my parking codes that I use for my Delta CRJ-700. Make sure, for both, that the s is present. All my airlines get parked with their brothers at all my major airports.




Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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