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You know like sometimes you have a strong desire to I don't know... go to a Steakhouse and order a T bone... I have similarly a strong desire to "order" an A310 for the FSX, with complexity level at least (no less than) similar to that of QW 757 (with FMS and the Autopilot functionality specific to A310).


I was searching the web and found Thomas Ruth freeware A310 which looks good but I doubt with accurate autopilot, nevermind FMS.

Is there a way to edit such packages to include FMS and ND with plan track? I recall a post about stand alone FMS that could be added, details weren't discussed.

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There is a company which creates a full featured FMC you can add to any aircraft. There are two main appearances. One for older '70s aircraft, and a more modern used in Concorde and modern Boeings.




There are some configuration files and panel editing templates for a few aircraft but non-typical aircraft may require considerable editing to customize the FMC for particular speeds and climb/decent rates.


Like all FMCs, there is a steep learning curve though it has many features you'll find familiar from other FMCs, but the button placement and sequences may be non-intuitive. I use the package and I'm happy with it. Looks good and many features are very useful. Of particular, it draws a selected runway orientation on the HSI which makes landing without other navigation aids very easy.

It also has a wind direction/speed arrow which is very useful on final. I use it for two aircraft: Concorde and 727-200. It took me considerable time to customize it for those since templates were not available.


If you want to go this route, I strongly suggest hooking up with me voice and in a mult environment so I can help you configure it. I could save you hundreds of hours and at least get you close although I don't fly the 310. You'll need to know the operating specifications for the aircraft.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Thanks Pv, I'd like to use your help to get me set up for VATSIM, I think that's most important. I still have to do the homework though, didn't take time to study the texts posted on their site - whenever I have some free time I go to fly FSX. Now there is a Navigraph released for Citation 550, then I want to practice Captainsim's 737 and 727 - always something interesting to do, preferred over boring reading material -))))

On top of all I started with X-plane. It's not going to take over the FSX, it's just a very good toy I will be "playing" and having fun with in between, I like it.

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In this vid you can get an occasional glance at what the ISG looks like in the 727 HSI and AI. I don't display the computer interface.


This link is temporary:



Getting set up on Vatsim is elementary. Once your desired client is installed, you preposition your aircraft cold and dark at the desired airport terminal/parking, click connect, file your flight plan and if ATC is available, call for clearance and just follow their simple instructions. The rest is the same as when you fly offline.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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