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VRS TacPack, FXBA Hornet and Ship based Tacan/ILS


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Hi guys, I have Enterprise and Nimitz in my TacPack and I am using the ILS and Tacan Freq/channel that I have set in TacPack to try and get either distance or direction to come up on the MFD or HUD or ILS needles on either.

I feel like I have tried everything. It works on Shore based Tacan and ILS just fine. Help me deconflict this please:) I would like to have those needles at the boat!


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...I have Enterprise and Nimitz in my TacPack and I am using the ILS and Tacan Freq/channel that I have set in TacPack...


Don't have TacPack, so not sure what you mean by that, and what carriers you're using.


Have you tried tuning the default FSXA carrier (111.0 Mhz) and Javier's Nimitz (112.0 Mhz) ?



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