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cannot name a folder C:\fsx

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i had to reformat my computer and i got just one simulator in right now. and i want to put my flight simulator back in but i can't make a separate folder for it so it's not in the X86 program files but windows keeps saying symbols are not allowed. so how can i make it have it's own folder:confused:
giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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'C:\FSX' is a PATH name. 'FSX' is a FOLDER name. AFTER you create 'New Folder' by right click when you are at 'C:' you will have created a new FOLDER with a name of 'FSX' and therefore 'C:\FSX' will be the PATH to that folder. Terminology. Terminology. Terminology.

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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i was trying to enter C:\FSX but windows won't let me do that so i will install fsx in the default location. but i am thinking that i have a conflict with the simulator and an add-on i have cause of a G3D.DLL error. which is can be textures or aircraft. well i have the 3D Lights Add-on from A2A plus a texture from here for strobe lights which i think could cause an issue
giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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i was trying to enter C:\FSX but windows won't let me do that so i will install fsx in the default location. but i am thinking that i have a conflict with the simulator and an add-on i have cause of a G3D.DLL error. which is can be textures or aircraft. well i have the 3D Lights Add-on from A2A plus a texture from here for strobe lights which i think could cause an issue


You just need to enter “FSX” as the folder name, as described above. Don’t include “C:\” in the folder name.

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oh ok thank you. the reason is your not supposed to put fsx into the program files X86? cause it won't work? i have put it in the default location before. but i been having a lot of issues here lately and can't go cross country any more with out the simulator crashing.
giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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oh ok thank you. the reason is your not supposed to put fsx into the program files X86? cause it won't work? i have put it in the default location before. but i been having a lot of issues here lately and can't go cross country any more with out the simulator crashing.


The sim itself and many add-ons will work in the default location. However, due to the increased security Windows has on the Program Files directories, some add-ons have problems, as well as making it a bit harder to edit config files inside the sim folder. Installing into a folder outside of Program Files heads off any of these permission related issues. It doesn't affect performance or anything else. If you're having troubles with the sim crashing there is something broken elsewhere.

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ah ok. well the only add-ons i use is REX 5 and REX airports HD and every thing A2A has to offer as well as the orbx trees and the precipit fx stuff. other then that my scenery is all stock. but i do use textures from the rex programs. so i am thinking it's either a texture or sound for the default airplanes. i don't use the default planes that much so i don't think i will do anything at all to them.
giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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'i got just one simulator in right now.........' which simulator is that then and where (inside or outside

C:\Program Files X86) do you have it? If you install a MSFT simulator it will by default (unless changed in the WIN registry) install in C:\Program Files X86. If you want your Flightsim installed somewhere else then first create the desired Installation Folder manually by pointing your mouse in the 'Root directory' could be the first level in the 'partition' and then 'rightclick'. A small menu appears with the 'New' option, click it and 'type' only the desired name. The folder will be created and after that when installing your Flightsim you can change the default Program Files X86 location and browse to your manually created 'Folder'. Doubleclick usually sets it. I have installed all my 'Sims' in my 'G:\' partition and they all work perfect, (however still saving for a new MB and m2 SSD)




Edited by piet06273
cannot get the picture resolution right

I5 12600K - RTX3060TI - 32GB 3600 - M2 - WIN11 - FS8/9/X - MSFS - full ORBX UTX etc. 



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If you formated your hard drive then you should NOT have any programs anywhere and there should not be a conflict with any add ons, or other programs. They are not installed until you install FSX.


If you installed to 'Program Files' then re-format your hard drive. Start over in other words. Create a NEW FOLDER under 'C'. Install to that folder. Sim will create all the folders that go with the Sim. But you will have sim files in other WINDOWS folders which the Sim needs to function with Windows. Re-Boot PC after you finish install of Sim. Fly the sim for a few minutes. Change planes, etc as a test. Set weather and you default flight. Then Re-Boot your PC. THEN and only then can you start to do add-ons, one at a time, with a re-boot of Sim after each install. You must be meticulos with Windows as it is very dependent on Registry Entries so as to make the Sim run smooth. Windows will always try to do updates of all/any files you have like video drivers for your video card, etc. Do your own updates. Let Windows only update vital Securtiy features for Windows. Good luck.

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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'i got just one simulator in right now.........' which simulator is that then and where (inside or outside

C:\Program Files X86) do you have it? If you install a MSFT simulator it will by default (unless changed in the WIN registry) install in C:\Program Files X86. If you want your Flightsim installed somewhere else then first create the desired Installation Folder manually by pointing your mouse in the 'Root directory' could be the first level in the 'partition' and then 'rightclick'. A small menu appears with the 'New' option, click it and 'type' only the desired name. The folder will be created and after that when installing your Flightsim you can change the default Program Files X86 location and browse to your manually created 'Folder'. Doubleclick usually sets it. I have installed all my 'Sims' in my 'G:\' partition and they all work perfect, (however still saving for a new MB and m2 SSD)





i have farming simulator 2019 and it's in the X86 folder. the default location.

giving up on flight simulation for good:D
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