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Configuring Platform SDK with C++ Express


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I know this is alluded to in the sticky by referring to the following link, which has 5 very important steps:




However, when you go to this URL, it just takes you to the main C++ EXP page. There is a gray menu bar at the top of the page with a menu item that says:


"Using the Platform SDK."


Follow that link to the pot of gold. You absolutely must do these five things to make it work. It took me an hour to find it the hard way, so I thought I'd point it out for others like me who need a searchlight and bullhorn to see and hear what folks are trying to say. :o

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I'm assuming that following these five steps solved your previous problem with compiling the sample.sdk project?


I suspect that this was the primary key to success, if so:


AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib"

Bill Leaming http://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Combat/0054.gif

Gauge Programming - 3d Modeling Military Visualizations

Flightsim.com Panels & Gauges Forum Moderator

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NOTE: Unless explicitly stated in the post, everything written by my hand is MY opinion. I do NOT speak for any company, real or imagined...

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Yes. And 12 hours of heavy head banging has revealed another really important step:




I've now succesfully installed C++ EXP, compiled something from the sample SDK and gotten one of the SDK gauges to actually work in the cockpit. In a short 36 hours.


I'm thinking of writing something up on the whole procedure that might make a good sticky. It was a very painful process.



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Yes. And 12 hours of heavy head banging has revealed another really important step:




I've now succesfully installed C++ EXP, compiled something from the sample SDK and gotten one of the SDK gauges to actually work in the cockpit. In a short 36 hours.


I'm thinking of writing something up on the whole procedure that might make a good sticky. It was a very painful process.




Please do just that. When completed, I'll put it in the new Wiki where I'm migrating all the "sticky posts" so the forum will be "neater" and folks can more easily find relevant information from the Wiki's index... ;)

Bill Leaming http://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Combat/0054.gif

Gauge Programming - 3d Modeling Military Visualizations

Flightsim.com Panels & Gauges Forum Moderator

Flightsim Rig: Intel Core i7-2600K - 8GB DDR3 1333 - EVGA GTX770 4GB - Win7 64bit Home Premium

Development Rig1: Intel Core i7-3770k - 16GB DDR3 - Dual Radeon HD7770 SLI 1GB - Win7 64bit Professional

Development Rig2: Intel Core i7-860 - 8GB DDR3 Corsair - GeForce GTS240 1GB - Win7 64bit Home Premium

NOTE: Unless explicitly stated in the post, everything written by my hand is MY opinion. I do NOT speak for any company, real or imagined...

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