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FSX Config Changes


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I'm running FSX on XP along with Just Flight Flying Club X. I'm also using Saitek yoke and rudder pedals. I'm using the Piper Warrior in flying club x and I want to make some changes to how some of the functions works. First is the Parking brake 'auto-release' when you push the toe brakes. I want to disable this function so that when the parking brake is on the toe brakes have no effect until the parking brake is manually released. Next is the amount that the RPM drops when you either switch on the carb-heat or switch to one magneto. The current settings move very little and want want to increase this slightly. Third is to remove the 'brakes' and 'Parking brake' messages from appearing on the screen. I've already changed various XML files for other functions but I can't find out where these files are. (Newbie to site)
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To your FSX.cfg add the line Hideinfotext=1 under [Main] that will get rid of all info text. If you want to hide just the Brakes and parking Brake look under [Display] and change both of these to false.




Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Quote: 'First is the Parking brake 'auto-release' when you push the toe brakes. I want to disable this function so that when the parking brake is on the toe brakes have no effect until the parking brake is manually released.'


So you must have a key (when pressed) mapped for 'Parking Brake'. The 'trigger' on the joy (which is mapped to be 'brakes') if HELD pressed will give you braking equivalent to what parking brakes give you. So on pedal toe brake (which releases the parking brake when stepped on) will give you equivalent braking to amount that the 'parking brake' will give you (ie: if you HOLD down the toe brake). There might be other ways to do this I suppose but this is one 'work around'.

Chuck B


i7 2600K @ 3.4 Ghz (Turbo-Boost to 3.877 Ghz), Asus P8H67 Pro, Super Talent 8 Gb DDR3/1333 Dual Channel, XFX Radeon R7-360B 2Gb DDR5, Corsair 650 W PSU, Dell 23 in (2048x1152), Windows7 Pro 64 bit, MS Sidewinder Precision 2 Joy, Logitech K-360 wireless KB & Mouse, Targus PAUK10U USB Keypad for Throttle (F1 to F4)/Spoiler/Tailhook/Wing Fold/Pitch Trim/Parking Brake/Snap to 2D Panel/View Change. Installed on 250 Gb (D:). FS9 and FSX Acceleration (locked at 30 FPS).
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The Saitek rudder pedals use axis to control the toe brakes. I found that in Simconnect when you apply the parking brake it sends a value of 1 to both left and right brakes. When you apply the toe brakes fully it send a value of 0.64 When the toe brakes are not pressed and the parking brake is off, the Simconnect value is 0.52 It looks like any movement on either of the toe brakes sends a new value, over-writing the parking brake value of 1.

I've tried sending values to Simconnect to keep setting the value to 1 if the parking brake input is on and the Simconnect value is 'not 1' and this kind of works. (using Arduino card.) but it's a bit 'jumpy'. I was hoping to change an XML file somewhere to stop the toe brakes when the parking brake is on. I couldn't find anything in the Aircraft.cfg or the FSX.cfg


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Tapping brake releases parking brake. Happens to every plane. So me thinks is part of fsx code. Not something you can change. But, simple solution, don't tap brakes by accident. Or if you do, re-engage parking brake after.

If you want (toe) brakes as well as a parking brake, you'll have to live with it.

Cause of one real world crash was pilot accidentally pressing toe brakes during takeoff run (russia).

Pedals are often difficult to use with shoes on btw.

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In my Sim setup I have have a 'real' physical parking brake. I pull it up to engage and it makes a switch (into Arduino). So if I press the toe brakes the sim parking brake disengages yet my 'real' brake is still in the on position, so I have to release, then re-engage. Such a pain. Trying to get cockpit as real as possible. FSX is quite flexible so there must be some coding I can change. Surely?...



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If you are setting it via the options/settings/controls menu, set the repeat slider full right.

When the toe brakes are released it should re-engage...Don

HAF 932 Adv, PC P&C 950w, ASUS R4E,i7-3820 5.0GHz(MCR320-XP 6 fans wet), GTX 970 FTW

16GB DDR3-2400, 128GB SAMSUNG 830(Win 7 Ult x64), 512GB SAMSUNG 840 Pro(FSX P3D FS9)

WD 1TB Black(FS98, CFS2&3, ROF, etc.), WD 2TB Black-(Storage/Backup)

Active Sky Next, Rex4 TD/Soft Clouds

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Don, the signal is being sent via Simconnect using an Arduino card. I'm not using a keyboard or joystick button. The toe brakes axis are set up through the control settings. My parking brake signal is not. Andy.



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Can you re-write the Arduino/Simconnect interface to "repeat", at a controlled interval, when your switch is on? I know diddly about the Arduino card so, I'm drawing straws!...Don

HAF 932 Adv, PC P&C 950w, ASUS R4E,i7-3820 5.0GHz(MCR320-XP 6 fans wet), GTX 970 FTW

16GB DDR3-2400, 128GB SAMSUNG 830(Win 7 Ult x64), 512GB SAMSUNG 840 Pro(FSX P3D FS9)

WD 1TB Black(FS98, CFS2&3, ROF, etc.), WD 2TB Black-(Storage/Backup)

Active Sky Next, Rex4 TD/Soft Clouds

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Yeah, I've done that already. It kind of works, but it's a bit jumpy. I was hoping for a neater way of doing it. I think I've brought up an impossible task. No one seems to know a way around it. Thanks again Don.



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