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Texture loading question


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I should know the answer to this one but I suspect that I have forgotten - old age and terminal senility creeping up on me :(


I have a large number of static aircraft which I have combined into one library file. When I activate this in the FS2004 Library are all the textures for these aircraft loaded into memory in one go when I fire up the sim or does the sim select them as and when required and then dump them when they are no longer needed?


Thanks for any help.




The sim will only write the textures to memory when it needs to display them. Actually it will probably preload them when you re a certain range from the model in anticipation of their use.


As for dumping them when they are no longer needed, it should though that topic is probably up for debate.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


Cheers, Bean.


I thought this might be the case. The dumping of them after use wouldn't be a problem for me as about only a dozen or so static aircraft would ever be in use during one sim session - but preloading a couple of hundred from the very beginning would be a different matter altogether!




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