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FS2004 Question: possible compatibility issue with Windows 10


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I know that the flight sim world has gone past FS9 and is now using FSX and Prepar3d. I have both of them, but I still prefer fs9: it's faster, simpler, and there are still scads of good freeware add-ons. But bad things happened after switching from Windows 7 to 10.


First, you could no longer start the program with the CD disk. I found the no-CD crack and was back in business.




For some reason, I can no longer save or retrieve flight plan files. I keep getting an error message that says "Flight plans can only be loaded from or saved to the Flight Simulator Files directory". But the program IS pointed to the flight simulator files directory.


If anyone has had a similar problem and solved it, please let me know how you did it. Even though it's obsolete now, I still prefer fs9 and would like to keep it going if I can.



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FS2004 is most certainly not obsolete.

Even after 15 years, there is still unique & outstanding add-ons being released.


So, about your issue...

FS2004 works perfectly within Windows 10, I have 6 versions of FS2004 on my laptop.


Have you installed FS2004 into the C:\ drive, & NOT the default Program Files folder?


Have you run in XP Compatibility mode & as Administrator?


Cape Town, South Africa

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