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Can not find pushback veh_ in \Simobjects?? (my fsx is fine)


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I got thinking about the pushback vehicle. My first idea was to look in the Simobjects\Ground vehicles\ folder, but I see nothing there named "pushback" or "tug".

Googled it and some sites suggest it could be in there, but nothing certain.


Rather then disabling at random (trial and error method), I thought I'd just ask.

Does anyone know where to find the pushback vehicle?

Or is it not a simple ".bgl / model" thing, but burried deep in the fsx code??


Thanks in advance, il88pp.


I think I found my answer. It's not as easy as I had thought/hoped.

The question came about because I was thinking about increasing the speed of the pushback vehicle, especially the speed at which the tug drives back.

I'll let it simmer for a while.


I found this thread on FSDeveloper.com in which -jvile- points out the files that govern the tugs. Thanks jvile!






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