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KECP-Download make FSX shut down

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Hi friends,

today I downloaded from the File Library the new FSX Scenery--Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport Name: kecp_v1.zip

I installed the scenery as I installed sceneries several times before, activated it in the library as shown in the read me.

Then I tried to start FSX and immediatly it shut down without any errormessage. I tried it again and again with no success. I couldn't open my FSX until I deleted the new scenery.

This was the first time in my FSX history. Hundred of sceneries I downoaded before but this time it doesn't work at all.

Have somebody an idea?

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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Thank you for answering.

I forgot to say it is perhaps an g3d.dll problem (according Windows-Ereignisanzeige - sorry I know it only in German). I have FSUIPC unregistered installed. Today I found there a ORBX freeware installation. I deinstalled this scenery but it was the same.

I installed a previous version of KECP without any problems.

Then I installed a part of the Download (KPAM) and this works fine. Perhaps the whole download is too big or some files are not compatibel??

I will try more parts.

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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Hi Jorgen,

I think I've got it:)

The downloaded scenery containes two files for the airport 4FD5. Deactivating this files before activating in the library helps to show all other airports without any problems.

I don't understand but I am happy!

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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No, I am sure. Searchfunktion of Windows doesn't find anything.

Yesterday I forgot ORBX freeware airports, but 4FD5 was not there, only KECP and this airport was not the culprit.

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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Hi Jorgen,

now I have the waterport 4FD5 in my SIM too. I loaded the two files with ADE, changed them a little and compiled them new. I started FSX and I have no problems now. I think I have them fooled:cool:

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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I don't know, why they are in an extra folder. That files are anyhow content in the scenery folder of KCEP.

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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They are scenery models, so I figured Objects, and stuck them in \Scenery\Global\Scenery




I don't think this would be necessary, I have them in the KECP scenery folder and they show up in the scenery.

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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